Fighting for Women’s Lives: Defeat Project 2025 – Blueprint for Fascist America

 A National Dialogue for Revolutionaries Register Today ! Fighting for Women’s Lives – Project 2025 is a blueprint for Fascist America that corporations plan to impose if they can get a “conservative president” elected in November.

2024 Elections : Fighting for Basic Human Needs

Revolutionaries continue along the course of uniting scattered struggles into a united, multi-racial, multi-generational political struggle for a better world. At every step of the struggle, we point out the extraordinary wealth that exists in our world, and the need to restructure our society to enable all of our people to share in the abundance !

Trumps What Does It Look Like ?: Trumps Bond – Billionaire Justice

Billionaires are flooding money into our elections to hide the real issues of poverty, hunger, oppression, poor healthcare, environmental destruction, and war! Is the US the “land of the free and the home of the brave”? Or is it the world’s largest mass incarceration of the poor, while billionaires blatantly defy the law?

CULTURE and R/Evolution: The Role of Culture Plays in the Revolutionary Process

In the opening session of “Culture and R/Evolution: A Dialogue of Revolutionaries,” Jerome Scott frames the program in the context of a worldwide advance of fascism.

Jailing Julian Assange is an Attack on the Free Press

By prosecuting Assange, the U.S. government is targeting anyone on the planet who publishes a U.S. government document. It creates a legal framework for criminalizing journalists and those who expose government wrongs. It is step toward erecting an international fascist framework for discouraging and ultimately eliminating freedom of the press.

U.S. to Palestine: The Unity of Class Struggle in the Fight for our Collective Humanity & Survival

The League presents a zoom event as a conversation with and for revolutionaries. The League of Revolutionaries for a New America joins other revolutionaries who challenge the ruling class on the immorality of its ruthless devastation of the earth + life.

Revolution at the Ballot Box

Our quality of life, our survival, our historic strivings, our cherished ideals, and all the love we feel for each other are at stake in the next two years. Regardless of the final vote count, the 2022 midterm elections mark a turning point in the movement for people’s basic economic needs and freedoms. People have laid ahold of the ballot not just to secure elected positions, but as an organizing weapon. They are creating the terrain and the conditions for the larger battle in 2024. 

Education Under Attack: A Dialogue for Revolutionaries

Education is supposed to be the great equalizer. Yet our public schools continue to be attacked with budget cuts. School closures across the country negatively impact students who are forced to travel long distances or through dangerous neighborhoods to attend school. At the same time, we see an increase in charter schools and vouchers funding charter and private schools. This panel will discuss the challenges public schools are facing. We will address what is being done to fight for the schools students deserve. 

Oakland School Closing – Debt as a Weapon of Social & Political Control

The fight to keep Oakland’s public schools open and funded has gone on since the early 1980s. Now we face a greatly accelerated corporate attack aimed at closing public schools in low-income, mainly Black and brown, flatland areas, turning those properties over to charter school companies and other real estate ventures.

Capitalism Creates Food Scarcity, Communism Distributes Abundance

Among those severely impacted by capitalism are the workers we depend on the most—those that keep us fed. Small farms and ranches are slowly dying, as we witness the onslaught of corporate enterprise in the agriculture industry. It is time to envision socialized agriculture and return to the values and ways of life that sustain us.